Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's important...

1. I had food poisoning yesterday, almost fainted while walking back from University, could barely see things clearly...it was rather blur! At that very moment, all I hope were GOD to protect me and to get well asap so I could get up on my feet and do the things I enjoyed doing.

2. Whenever people asked me what's most important to me, well...I will surely said that it's my health. I guess I can be very sure about it now. There's something to share about this!

3. Whenever I am in the hospital visiting relatives or friends, it's always a wake-up call on how lucky and fortunate I am. To be able to live healthily is a gift from GOD, I wonder how many of us actually appreciate that.

4. Whenever I am sick, the only dream then was to recover and lead the life I wanna lead. That's a motivation for me to appreciate life. Furthermore, it actually encourages me to think and dream about matters that are great and meaningful. When I recovered from that sickness, it's time for me to work on those dreams.

(Well, here's a little secret of me...Whenever I am sick, I shall act like a little boy. A boy who hopes to get people attention. Always calling mom for advice and hope people to take good care of me. When I am in kindergarten and primary school, my mom has to accompany me by my side, holding fingers is a must because I am so scare my mom would leave me. Whenever I am sick, I be the prince in the house hehe!)

Thank you MOM & DAD for taking good care of me!

5. May all of us appreciate the fact that we are healthy and we could lead a normal life. Let's think about those in hospital and people suffering in the 3rd world country... I guess that's an inspiration for us to move on and do many interesting and great things in life.

6. May we show some concern to the needy and help one another!

7. Take care friends, SMILE ALWAYS!


Anonymous said...

chi wei,how cum suddenly will get food poisoning?wat u ate oo?
glad to know tat u hv recovered now ya...

take care oo...prince of d hse...hehe

George Leong said...

Ate chicken rice that day lo...

Yea, prince of the house...need to compete with little brother for that title hehe.

Thanks for the message ya!