Monday, March 8, 2010

Chinese-Strive forward!

1. I feel very shameful to be a Chinese at this very moment simply because of the battle within MCA. As a Chinese, I were taught to be in peaceful terms with people, and walk the talk.

2. Sadly, some leaders in this country do not practice that. Some decided to leave their 'captain' when the ship is sinking. This is very sad as the captain will now need to battle it out on his/her own.

3. As a human being, we should support people who has INTEGRITY & HONESTY! Salute to the person who has the courage to stand firm on his/her words!

4. I feel bad too because I definitely feel we should do something for the country future. And not talking about the problem only. There should be some effort and initiative to make things happen. Of course, it has to be in line with good moral values.

5. SUPPORT YOU ALWAYS! Because you simply did something great for the nation.