1. Whenever there's a problem or an issue raised by the community, we often see the
government allocating millions/billions of ringgit to address the problem or to develop a particular area. It seems there's a solution towards the problem raised. The question here is how truly the funds allocated is channeled towards solving the problem or to develop an area. I guess the government needs to monitor closely about the channeling of funds. With millions/billions of ringgit, u could develop and do many things.
2. From the media, we heard about the recent collapse of a stadium some where in Malaysia. We notice that because the collapse is being reported and it involve a huge sum of money. The question is, what about other smaller projects that involve a smaller sum of money, say few hundred thousands of ringgit? Many of these small projects are not publish in the newspaper and therefore the public may not be aware about it. If u were to add the total money used for these small projects, it could easily sum up to millions of ringgit... I guess the government and public need to pay attention to the progress and quality of these smaller projects too.
3. Scholarship - It's an issue raised over the years and yet the government could not solve it effectively. Many students who got good grades still find themselves failing to obtain a scholarship! I suggest the government to really think of a way to solve this issue once and for all. If the government needs the public input (suggestion), I am sure most of us are most willing to contribute our ideas to solve the problem.
4. Year 2020 is coming...we have 11years left to build the nation and be a developed country. We have to move fast and achieve that vision. With the current state of the economy, there are signs that the economy is recovering. I guess our country has good banking system and strong economic fundamentals. I would say it's an golden opportunity for us to catch up with the big giants (US, China, Singapore). Hopefully the government could seize this good opportunity.
With commitment & good governance and all of us Malaysians doing our part, I am sure we are able to achieve our vision, which is to be a developed nation very soon!