Sunday, January 1, 2012

Winning the Race of Life Series – ‘Life is a Race’

Happy New Year my fellow friends… How have you been doing in year 2011? Set your resolutions for year 2012 and getting ready to achieve them?

I am back in blogging and I will begin sharing my thoughts with all of you. Let me present to you the ‘Winning the Race of Life Series’. This is a series about the winning principles of life which everybody could apply in their daily lives. Hopefully you will benefit from it and enrich your life for the betterment of family members, friends and the community. Of course, you feel better too as you begin to live life to the fullest.

Living life to the fullest does not mean vacation, hanging out and go partying. It literally means a person is able to travel the extra mile and achieve his or her passion in life. It is the process that enriches a person’s life. Of course, one has to make sure that the passion does contribute to the betterment of mankind. Something of good moral values and is meaningful. If not, QUIT IT!

Life is a race, that is what my daddy taught me since young. We could either win the race or lose in the race. If we are slow in our approach in gaining knowledge and applying them, we would be left behind. If we do not learn the strategies of winning the race, then we are set to be a loser. In fact, there is a valuable lesson for every race we compete in life.

First of all, let us be clear about this. Should we:

(a) Be in the race, or
(b) Be a spectator that watches the race

My dad often encouraged me to be in the race as he said a person in the race is able to experience what life has to present to him or her. It is a different feeling, a feeling that will enrich your memory lane. People who chose to be a spectator all the time is set to only be a commentator. Only giving comments and opinions and lose the opportunity of experiencing what life has to present to them.

Question: How to experience life to the fullest?

Short Answer: Be in the Race!

Further Explanation: Be the best in the things you do… for example: a champion in running events, successful entrepreneurs, successful scientist, charity etc. Make sure the things you do are MEANINGFUL and have GOOD MORAL VALUES!!!

If not, don’t do it, you are just wasting your precious time!

Question: How to win the race?

Short Answer: Learn how to win!

Further Explanation: If you take notice, you will find that successful people often applied the same strategies in their approach. It is the pattern of winning. For example, bright students often have proper time management (strategy) in their lives. Making sure they study every day and mix with friends that are smart + hardworking in their studies.

Another example would be successful entrepreneurs are focus (strategy) in their work. They do not let temptations affect them. For example they do not spend time hanging out in shopping malls, to them it’s a total waste of time. Just observe and you would find it right.

To win in the race of life, all you need to do is to discover these secret strategies and apply them in your life.